Growing Home Garden Tomatoes, G6461
Table of Content What kind of tomatoes can you grow in the AeroGarden? MU Extension Growing Home Garden Tomatoes How To Grow Tomatoes At Home Pruning and Supporting Home Garden Tomatoes Black or brown jumping bugs 1/16 inch long that attack young transplants and leave them looking as if they have been shot full of small holes. Additional information on producing tomato transplants can be found in MU Extension publication G6570, Starting Plants Indoors From Seeds. Leaf roll is a non-damaging plant disorder, which causes tomato leaves to roll in on themselves. Flea beetles are small, quick-moving insects whose feeding leads to many small holes in leaves. Ripe tomatoes canned whole or in chunks, tomato juice, tomato sauce, and tomato-based salsas are common recipes. Frequent, shallow cultivation with a garden hoe or trowel will kill weeds before they become a problem. Allow two to three feet in all directions between vining plants. For best germination, use a heating mat to keep t...