How to Grow AeroGarden Tomatoes: Planting, Pruning, & More

If this is your first time growing tomatoes, you may want togrow a variety that’s large, delicious and produces a large harvest. For optimum flavor, tomato fruits should be allowed to ripen fully on the vine, but should be picked before they begin to soften. Tomatoes that have reached mature green stage can be harvested and allowed to ripen at 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit indoors. In autumn, green tomatoes can be harvested before early frosts damage fruits.

growing home garden tomatoes

Use of resistant tomato cultivars, however, is most effective and practical. Tomatoes can be grown on many different soil types, but a deep, loamy, well-drained soil supplied with organic matter and nutrients is most suitable. If you have heavy clay soil in your garden, one option is to add organic matter, such as peat moss or compost, to improve soil structure and drainage.

Growing Home Garden Tomatoes

Grow leafy greens amongst the tomatoes as some leafy greens such as lettuce prefer some shade, so these two compliments each other perfectly. Direct sowing eliminates the transport shock some plants have when planted out from their seedling tray to the garden bed. If you use a hose with a sprinkler attachment, always water at the base of the plant, try to keep the water off the leaves to prevent disease. Preparing the garden bed for tomatoes by adding compost to any soil type will be beneficial. Plant tomatoes in well-drained fertile soil with lots of organic matter added. Indeterminate plants will grow until the first frosts kill them off.

Exposed fruit are vulnerable to damage by sunburn, and susceptibility to blossom end rot also increases. Symptoms of Septoria leaf spot often are difficult to differentiate from early blight. Plants are susceptible to infection by the fungus during all stages of growth. Small water-soaked lesions are evident on the underside of leaves. As developing lesions enlarge, tissues become sunken, and margins assume a dark brown or black appearance with white or gray centers.

Useful Gardening Tips!

Some gardeners make salsa with their home grown vegetables. Home gardeners are encouraged to call their local Extension offices if they have questions about gardening or food preservation. OSU Extension also has many fact sheets on gardening or food preservation. Log on to OSU Extension's Ohioline at for more information. Staking is a good way to support tomato plants if gardeners desire fewer, but bigger tomatoes. Shown here are staked young tomato plants using bamboo poles.Photo by Gary Gao, OSU Extension.Figure 6b.

growing home garden tomatoes

Remove the small shoots that grow out of the point where each leaf joins the main stem. Remove the shoots by bending them sideways until they snap . For two main vines, remove all but the shoot immediately below the first flower cluster. Tomatoes grow best on beds raised to about six inches. For bush varieties that will not be staked or caged, leave two to four feet between plants, and leave three to five feet between rows.

Tips for Planting & Growing Great Tomatoes

Most AeroGarden systems are small enough to fit on a countertop or a table. The Farm Family model is the largest model, so it may do better on the floor. Water consistently and never allow the soil to dry out. Plants with a strong scent such as marigolds and geraniums repel garden pests. Water containers regularly and keep the soil consistently moist. Always use premium quality potting soil specifically for pots and containers.

Bush-type Roma tomato plantBush-type plants do not need pruning, staking or trellising. Do not buy plants with spots on their leaves, as you will likely bring disease into your garden. Apply needed fertilizers and mix into the soil prior to planting.

In extreme drought, plastic may increase blossom-end rot if plants are not watered. Weeding– Tomatoes have a relatively shallow, fibrous rooting system, so cultivate carefully or use a thick mulch to prevent weeds. The fruit is smaller, less watery, and more flavorful than most cherry tomato cultivars. The tomato is an herbaceous, usually sprawling plant in the nightshade family that is typically cultivated for its edible fruit. It is a perennial but is usually grown outdoors in temperate climates as an annual. Brown, green or black shield-shaped bugs that give off a foul odor.

Poor fruit set can be caused by extreme temperatures, drought, shading, and excessive nitrogen applications. Blossom drop occurs when there are temperature extremes. When air temperatures are either below 55 degrees Fahrenheit or higher than 75 degrees Fahrenheit, blossoms fall off and fruits are not set. Irrigate when necessary - Tomato plants require about 1.5 inches of water per week during fruiting. This amount of water should be supplied by rain or irrigation.

Avoid cultivating, or hoeing, near the roots of tomato plants, which can lead to root pruning and restricted waster uptake. Fruits are crack-resistant.Mountain Delight70DV,F10 oz.Plant produces good yields of large red tomatoes. Tomatoes are firm and flavorful.Pik Red71DV,F,N6-7 oz.Fruit is smooth and meaty.

growing home garden tomatoes

Avoid overripe, decayed, or bruised fruit and fruit picked from dead vines. Add two tablespoons of bottled lemon juice to each quart or one tablespoon per pint. If fruit is left on the vine to ripen it should be removed from the plant while it is still firm. Allowing the fruit to remain on the plant until full maturity increases the chances of the fruit cracking. The soil should be watered thoroughly once or twice per week.

Cages should be set into the ground at the time of planting. They should be driven about 8-12 inches into the ground to prevent them from falling over. Wire cages are often used to support tomato plants in home gardens.

If only "leggy" plants are available, plant them at about a 30-degree angle in a trench long enough to leave only the top 5 or 6 inches of the plant exposed. If the plant is in a peat pot, make sure the entire pot is covered, because exposed portions of the pot will act as a wick and rapidly dry the root ball. Wireworms are long, cylindrical, tannish brown, and resemble a short, thick piece of wire. White grubs are C-shaped, white larvae with brown head capsules.

Store in a cool, dark area about 55 to 60°F, and check frequently to remove any decaying or damaged fruit. As the fruits begin to turn pink, remove them and ripen at 70oF. You should have ripe tomatoes until Thanksgiving or Christmas using this technique. Fertilizers should be added when the soil is prepared for planting. A soil sample should be taken for testing if fertilizer needs are not known. Collect and submit the sample for testing at least six weeks prior to planting time.

For home gardens not soil tested, apply 5 pints of per 100 feet of row, and thoroughly work it into the top 8 inches of soil. Blossom-end rot of tomatoes is a physiological disorder caused by a lack of sufficient calcium in the blossom end of the fruit. This disorder results in the decay of tomato fruits on their blossom end. Dry brown or tan areas the size of a dime, that grow to the size of a half dollar, characterize this disorder. This disorder is usually most severe following extremes in soil moisture .


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